Lovin‘ Caramel

My Character

High Emperor

Straight into it. Growing up, it was a mere aura of an Unknown Task. So i’ve come to realize.

So what’s the plan? „Let’s go with the flow and test our limits, adjust thresholds.“, and so it’s been. „People are complicated, i’m complicated.“, time passes, „Bra, if we don’t resolve the existence of God, we’ll end a martyr.“, then i resolved it. „Perfect, so God, i can continue and not worry about being mocked and fooled by those close to me.“, this is how i responded to that, „Hell no, they will if they get the chance, instead, stay clean, pretend you know not of what’s going on in your absence, and when you find out, punish ruthlessly and brutally.“.

„Here now, there later. Hauptsache das Geld kommt.“


I had to learn the hard way that, some times in life, things happen TO YOU that not only can’t you reverse them, you can’t prove them either. What do YOU do? „Keep yourself together. As much as power near absolute is good ambition, it’s the money that makes it absolute. We finished training on Silver-Jubilee. If we do get to live forever, we better plan like it. The rest will align with our disciple, good and bad. „. Ok, so what’s the point?“ If ever I needed to live a ‚double life‘, I would dedicate the copy to the non-believers. Plus I get a permanent bio-immune makeover, add AI, Iron Mans‘ Fusion Core heart… Is my stomach. “ So we keep the Circle small because that’s how a World Order works.“ Yeah, 350. That’s less than the number of students i passes any year with in High School, how awesome is that. #spoileralert #RoyalNavySeal. „

I’m a jolly person most times i interact socially, however, i take to heart very heavy the slightest offenses, even when i commit them. This way i can move on knowing i have no real enemy regardless of history, nor what people assume. I prefer to resolve differences swiftly. Gives me more time to think about everybody else. Welcome to an accurate understanding of me. Please mind this is not easy for me on a sensual level, as with my leveraged time, i chose to explore sensuality with hope of wonders i’m still to accomplish. Opinions are welcome.


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