Don’t sound the Alarm

What technology would you be better off without, why?


There’s two things I hate in life, lies and washing pots. The only reason Alarms don’t fit in is because of my stubbornness towards not recognizing time as a essential element of the Quantum Field. If it doesn’t exists, i need not alarming reminder to rush me about my ways.

Starting with that a.m call to get out of bed! Sleep cycles are tricky mechanismic function of our neural perception, with strong awareness of individual sleeping patterns, it’s not difficult to realize that ideally we ought to turn to the pillow after sunset, resting our close eyed selves in sleep until sunrise.

Of course, responsibilities vary, therefore time up may be extended into the night or start of the following day. The idea would be to work on to a minor strain, our biological composition communicates pain effectively, by drawing attention to a migraine strain, one ought to realize that they should head towards the bed for a restful shut eye.

Four to eight hours, that’s what it takes for an appeasing sleep. Once ones‘ mind is recuperated, a buzz in consciousness will wake one up from a well taken slumber.

Alarms are noisy! They interfere drastically with ones‘ sleep or slumber. Being awoken by an Alarm could spike ones‘ heart rate in Subconscious sleep, startling their coming to conscious awakening, leading to an off tempo state of mind that only drags one along the day in irritable quietness.

I care a lot about tempo, especially my own. I like having to be where i have to be, when i have to be there, and as any successful entrepreneur knows well, a structured routine is set in place to avoid mishaps. Being late is one of the worst mishaps, and so to is waking up too tired to jog or run.

So i put my tempo in order. The rule is to do away with time and listen to the ticking of my body instead.

Darn Ticking

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