Cologne and a Ring

What are your two favorite things to wear?



Also the first two things I seek on a woman of fitting caliber. Perfume instead cologne of course. A well scented woman is hard to resist, as for Her ring, it/they speak Her demeanor, whether or not She’s married a good flirt is a common pleasure.

Cologne of the right sort plays a huge role in ones‘ wealth and well being. It’s intriguing how Mens‘ Cologne is designed to rattle the female hormones and Womens‘ Perfume to rattle the males‘ hormone. Usually the blend is of Bark Musk, Aqua Scent , Flona Zest or Hoitty Toitty Sweet. Of course the perfume industry has developed and grown past only that.

Personally, Aqua Scent does it for me. So if the liquid is Azure, I know i’ll like the scent. Bark is sometimes captivating, but if it doesn’t captivate it repels. Leather is also pleasant, but it draws me to staying indoors more. Zests are great on the tongue, even with the potent bitter kick, they oft are too strong for my liking nose. As for Sweets, I try avoid them because of the commonality of what’s Hoitty Toitty, however, with the right Aqua cool Cologne, a dedicated Sweet scent deodorant turns one into a delicious moving figure.

If there’s anything my art should stay away from, it’s the making of these elixirs. Else the fantastic Surprise in each bottle of Cologne loses its‘ wonder.

I’ve made reference to The Ring before if you care to have a read. It’s not alchemy, but the experience of wearing it certainly is magical. I wear my Ring primarily for me, though i do second the thought of Her when arming myself with it, like a configuration switch to my mannerism, this way if i need to remember what strategy I chose on the Frontline, I simply look to see which finger it’s on.

When She wears a Ring, regardless of whether She’s aware of it or not, the fingers She arms allow Me insight into Her demeanor before Me.

So dear God. May i never fail ownership of these pieces of My armor. For in one is found an elaborate distraction, while in the other a faithful shield against the wits of men. Amen.

Ring Yo- smell

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