Meat Tiny

What are your feelings about eating meat?



„One mans‘ meat, is another mans‘ poison.“

– Common Proverb

This is Tiny. A large compound of meat. When raw, Tiny isn’t very pleasant to consume. When well cooked however, Tiny is tender and loveable to ingest.

Meat has its‘ necessary positives, including its‘ valuable nutritional relevance. It also has its‘ negatives, such as being a huge mass of dead matter. My tummy doesn’t like breaking down dead matter, mainly because jt takes too long and it requires much energy.

To my mouth though, Tiny is quite an experience. The fleshy bite of a well prepared chunk of meat, steak, sliced kebab or even fish, is rather satisfying. It’s like chewing with buoyancy, something you’d definitely long for after a while of non consumption.

There isn’t much to be mentioned by me on Tinys‘ regard. The most important part is the nutritional benefits of meat, not as essential as say, rice, yet definitely a source of worthy proteins and amino acids.

As a pro athlete, I eat a lot, because I move a lot. My diet NOW is mire carb centered because eating a lot of meat merely means I’m going to shit more. Rather stuff myself with cereal and feel it layered at the back of my palm. Gains are hard to make, and eating dead matter only makes it harder, for now. Until my body starts making mass use of dead matter, i feel i don’t need much meat in my life. I’ll keep carb loading for now…

Bye Tiny.

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