Titans‘ Ring

Name the most expensive personal item you’ve ever purchased (not your home or car).

A ring, in a sense is a device that regulates your body:mass relation. In other words, it let’s me know if i’m getting weight consumed in the right parts of the body. As of the consideration of value, the meaning may lay in the pronoun. A Titan is I, with prolific ability of God. not a God. Please understand. I rate myself only 2nd to God, sometimes 3rd, to the devil, with God always at lead. However… Every now and then, God insists i take lead, in order that my abilities prove me capable.

I adore my relationship with God, and for a ring of random presidency upon my Lifes‘ Pathway, i oath by God, the inspiration drawn there from is in essence better than perfect. The perfect is what you want in life, the better than perfect is what you want and what you needed. So it pays to learn from what you need.

The ring also exerts a strange range of radiation [by thermal dynamic laws.] this encourages electro-magnatic interaction, by maintaining sound mind one can find solace in order to realize God and the presence Thereof. It’s like having a magnetic tool that manipulates the surrounding elements. Just as the Temple Run magnet effects the runner.

I invested all my savings on thjs ring, at over 100 000 francs, i had to mobilize myself from the Heart of Angola to Swiss territory in order to acquire the investment i work for. By 24, i achieved it in Elegant style.

Now the ring is worth 100 000 000 francs. I hope i sparked a light in your eye with this one.

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