
What is your favorite form of physical exercise?

This of course, only of late. In the world of professional Athleticism, it would have been Deadlifts. But having committed into a long break from professional sport, i foresaw the advantage of walking.

Spirit iLami

The benefits a nearly unnoticed… Though it’s merely walking, the distances i tread are significant. I get to burn enough calories to maintain my professional Athletic strength, speed and power. Unfortunately, my endurance is on a dropping constant until I exercise endurance.

The effect of walking on my heart allows me to monitor my heart rate, raising it when i need to and resting when fatigued. Benefits also include keeping my respiratory tract and organ clean and efficient. With my smoking habits, i’d surprise anyone on the athletic arena.

Also, the added benefits of walking under the reviving energy of the sun includes the nutritional absorption of those solar waves. My skin maintains its‘ African roughness and darkness.

Exploring the various terrains of our global scape gives me the added benefits of equilibrium on the balance, static or dynamic… Also it extends my navigational mapping plane. This is always of great value in my military position.

Resuming and concluding. Walking is the best physical exercise available to my ability at this point in life, and i don’t intend on lifting my foot off the paddel of intensity in the exercise.


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