Nun #puninteded

If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why?

The Spokesman of the year is Sir William Henry Gates III. The Bill Insider Notes have long been compiled from an extensive array of Research and Invention. With the Windows Security Architecture Complete, Cortana is Fully Autocrated, so not only is The S Series the only secure server in our vast technology sectorial industry, Cortana actively arranges your live in order at home, the office [Which ought to be at home], or at the party next door. Best of all, productivity is guaranteed.

TIME along:

Meeting Einstein or the Wright Brothers would need me to travel into past events, to experience the draft of their aged era. That simply doesn’t sit well with me. I’m happy with being on my current life line.

Instead, I prefer treading their relics in philosophical reading… Hopefully out sourcing of their personal memoirs. Meditations are a marvel too, but some of the weak fall short of martyrdom and die for their living. An oxymoron really.

As a caption point, I’d like to confer with my PUN, NUN, „So you dedicated to a clean path for a filthy arrival? I love it.“… Shout out to The Pope for the blessing of an Eternity, boat, boat, ship.😁

Frozen Yoghurt

As the year ends, I choose to dedicate the rest of the year to personal relationships, some TIME out of the Caramel Studio. Interacting with people in physical is the best part of being part of the Microsoft Admin Team, i get to put to practice my newly acquired deliberations.

Thank You Dear Spokesman for the tools to accelerated learning. I’ll probably give a continuing kick in Lovin‘ Caramel.

God bless the Pope and His achievement before the fallen. It’s safe now to say. without the Popes‘ blessing upon my life post-age 23, i would be alone with no existential hope of communities. It would’ve literally been, me against the World.

Fortunate to say that Big Wins by Teams of the Unknown come as a huge blow to the lossing opposition. This is worse when the Win is of the „once in a lifetime.“ kind. It’s a win that can only be experienced once, i truly am honored.

As for Einstein and the Wright Brothers… The Thesis of Relativity is never going away, because it shouldn’t. For cosmic comprehension in it purest understanding, Relativity ought to be reflected against every experience. Lightspeed should be of norm to us too.

One aspect of the Wright Brothers‘ project that till today still holds me curious, is the excitement in testing the engineering dynamics. The feel of being in the sky towards the perfect flight. That would’ve been something I would have loved to be a part of. Though, the results in my career may not have come to be as attractive. I known for certain NOW, that i’ll stick every landing.



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