Lovin‘ Caramel Studio

What are your favorite websites?

I think to understand the decisive rationality in this rejoinder, one ought to question the purpose of the Internet. What is the internet for?

The answer is simple really, but I find that in applying myself to surfing the web, curiosity in misdemeanors arise and in one way or another I fall into a trap of humane allure.

Initially the objective of going online is to GATHER INFORMATION, whatever sort, but with the years the blood boils and the brain over heats (analogically), temptation presents itself in fantasy form and with the added ability of communication through the web, my brain conjures an informative pathway of information designed (Subconsciously), to make live of the intended fantasy. It’s natures‘ way of affirming that we humans can do anything.

My favorite site is of course Lovin‘ Caramel, it’s the journey inside the fantastic revolution outto life. It’s were the dreams had begin to take shape in an altruistic sense of experience and expression. It’s the dampened taboo before the explicit extreme of the taboo. It’s for me to say that life is best experienced in the correct extremes.

With that mentioned, anything else on the internet is merely a tool of entertainment. Instagram is effective, it’s the domain that could make you into a millionaire overnight. With the creation of Threads, the selective algorithm of the „chosen Millionäre“ is finer, so we have smarter millionaires, popular billionaires, and more creative self-employees.

Facebook has turned or transformed into Humor Central, these merely means we always have something to do on the internet.

X… Well X was deployed to cause havoc in Elon Musks‘ life. Since he paid so little for Twitter, he can keep Twitter. Whatever is left of it.

Mastodon is great, it’s a true creativity tester. Also great for content memoirs.

Pornhub deserves a place of respect… It’s much easier now to remain celibate than it was before the internet, for many a programmer, Pornhub IS the internet. Who knew a womans‘ sinicism could have such a noble impact in the life of the few true lovers on this Earth. We know She wants to enjoy dirty, but She certainly doesn’t want to enjoy a sick dirty. With Pornhub, us Ultra Romantics‘ can be dirty, filthy and healthy romantic lovers.

Other great tools include the Azure platform. It’s the internet, it’s also every site on the internet. The key to maximizing productivity with technology. For those that know its‘ upbringing, the portal to real magic IS Azure.

Because Information circulation is the point of the Internet, nuff respect to the dedicated private data provider that allow a great TORRENT of data into deserving devices. It’s fascinating how nowadays it takes knowing how and you could get everything on the internet for free. Music, movies, software, books, games, etc… Not a bad price to pay if you don’t know your way around Azure, i mean the internet. You should’ve paid attention in computing class when binary was being illustrated.

Cyber Spaceship

To close off:

Much is owed to all communication platforms of the web. Without which one is doomed into the psychosis of depression and bipolarity. In any working relationship, communication is key to the development of the union. It’s this element that has allowed me to allow myself to let go of my prime lover for the sake of myself and a new lover. Without hindering the dedicated truth of my prime relationship with my prime lover. You know what they say about letting go whom you love. Let go, just don’t forget.


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