
What are your favorite animals?

I am Kingdom Animalia


As primate descendents, we Human Beings are the most capable Animals in the Animal Kingdom. A hard truth that many people would refuse to accept, even in Africa, where the wildest of Mankind are ascended.

Being so a hard fact of life, We are my favorite animal. Created with extraordinary evolutionary ability, our existence in this Cosmos is eternally guaranteed. Our adaptability to whatever environment we choose to love and live is in all sense an successful quality of agility.

Of course, our existential dominance is with due credit solely thanks to our greatest God given tool, our Brain. From Intelligence as a wholesome compound of intellect, to Memory of our sensory perception, also to our Instinctive ping nulling relfex, our Brain is what will always hold us firm in animalistic reprise.

Humans are fascinating creatures. Capable of multi-persona embodiment, stylistic qualities are not only diverse and profound, but also truly paradoxical. With apex communication skills, and the intelligence of interstellar space travel, we can never cease to be entertainingly innovative.

At this point in our existence, the question that constantly ponders my mind, is what our next stage in our evolution will make of us. Will we develop new endocrine organs? Will we step into the Supernatural reality of learning how to Shapeshift our skin and form? Will we perfect honest and trust enough to earn Pure Telepathy? [That would be an awesome way to communicate with our loved ones i think.]. Will me grow into the very avatar giants the we ourselves conceived by power of mind? Will we make of our Cosmos an enormous playground our children of the future will gather to play in? So many questions, so many possibilities.

No doubt the ages of technology have propelled us in enlightenment, inventing at an astounding rate, overcoming deadly milady’s consciously. Making pleasant our circular world of information, causing the common to finally become of common sense across our entire species. The feeling I draw from this excites me to find out how many planets we will take apart for raw material, before we master as a whole, the Bosonic realm of existence to become Jedi type civilization.

Nuf said… For now… I love being Human. Even when my Animal instincts kick in.😈

Wrapped Salty Yoghurt


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