Teleport Much

How much would you pay to go to the moon?

As much as i need to arrive there by teleportation. Innovation and creativity are some of the most difficult abilities to harvest on a permanent constant, and logic is the hardest reason to rationalize. Trust me when I say, I know what I’m talking about.

To teleport, one would have to complete a substantially long list in exercises. STARTING with frequency synchronization.

One would say i completed frequency synchronization by absolute strike of fortune. I was at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, the right way. Frequency synchronization involves adjustment of ones‘ temporal frequency in existence. Everything in life has an existential frequency. A stone has its‘ own frequency, as does a tree or water or a glass window.

I can’t call it string theory anymore. We humans have been blessed with a mind capable of changing its‘ own frequency. It’s how we come to certain moods. Often, this happens subconsciously, though through special exercise in cosmic attunement, we can not only discover the frequency of the universe, but also adjust to it. This is necessary because for one that’s going to teleport from earth to another star, radiating at that universal frequency plane, one „hitches“ a surfing ride on these universal waves to a destination.

The rest is impossible without the first. Particle separation, hyper vision, telekinetic charge, „shadow“ duplication, particle relocation, particle reformation, origin duplication, graviton counter force, inter-magnetic leaps, Higgs Jump. So i’ll leave these topics for another time.

One thing is certain though, a 100 years won’t cut it, so establishing an immortal state of existence is very important. Then the rest is just a matter of patience. Ciao.

Squad One

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