Risk #2

When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?

Ok, the last time, was during Ramadan. I knocked off work one weekend, and instead of h3ading straight home to call it a day, i took a walk to Broadway Pub. Had a beer, lit a blunt to the roach, danced MFAO (as usual), played a game of Billiard.

Early on in the night i picked up R200 ≈ $20 just before ordering my beer. I lost the Billiard Game on the 8 ball, though i felt my game back at elbow. It was a good time.

Platin‘ Caramel

I wasn’t fasting this Ramadan due to long endured illness. I was just at the pub revitalizing myself with a Completely nutritious Amstel Lager. Sooo Foaam.

Ramadan is over now, and a few days after Eid, i lost R100≈$10 on the way to the grocery store. Didn’t hurt, though i think God was trying to tell me to not put rolled up money in my wallet. 😁

Lovin‘ Caramel

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